call tracking

Call Tracking for Agencies: 3 Major Benefits & Advantages

Call tracking for agencies provides marketers with a myriad of benefits to both crafting and refining marketing and advertising content. Find out how you can boost your team's performance here.

Showing your work is important. Whether you’re in a grade-school math class or you’re working on a new marketing campaign, people always want to know how you arrive at your conclusions. But if you’ve worked at a marketing/advertising agency for a while now, you already know that. Clients want to see they’re getting a solid return on investment (ROI), and they want direct evidence of that fact. The good news is, call tracking for agencies allows marketers to show their work in hard dollars and cents, without having to stress about monthly reports or quarterly reviews. Here then are three essential benefits call tracking provides marketers everywhere:

Call Attribution Clarity

We all know that good marketing and advertising leads to increased engagement and sales revenue. That much should be obvious to just about everyone. What’s less obvious are the quantitative and qualitative stats behind marketing efforts –– and a lot of that confusion centers around online-to-offline conversions. Most online marketing content attempts to coerce a lead to call a company. In the past, this meant that marketing teams would labor to put hard metrics next to their work; once a lead moved offline, the trail went cold. With call attribution software, however, every offline call, conversion, and sale, can be traced back to the online content that generated it. Thanks to dynamic number tracking, marketers can measure the performance of individual ads and blogs, as well as large-scale campaigns.

Calculate and Improve ROI and ROAS

If you’ve ever had a client breathing down your neck asking to see progress on an ad or marketing campaign, then you know how difficult it can be to quantify the effect of good marketing. Fortunately, call tracking enables marketers to calculate ROI and return on ad spend (ROAS) with relative ease. In this way, you can put a dollar figure next to your agency’s work –– something marketing teams have struggled with for years.

Enhanced Marketing Performance

So far we’ve established the value of call tracking as a reactive asset. And the ability for a business to review their performance with accurate stats is something that shouldn’t be understated. Still, the best call tracking platforms provide proactive solutions so companies can boost their efforts in real time. Advanced call tracking software follows every sales call to conclusion –– which means that marketers can build campaigns and pieces of content that produce sales, not just leads. Plus, thanks to call tracking tech, marketers can monitor every aspect of an ad’s make-up –– down to the keyword. In short, call tracking removes the guesswork from marketing content creation. Rather than hoping the content you write proves compelling to potential leads, you can know for sure before you so much as launch a solitary ad.

The Bottom Line

We’ve only just scratched the surface when it comes to the capabilities of call tracking software. For marketing teams that want a greater degree of control and transparency –– or to simply make better content –– call tracking is an essential tool to utilize. Contact the Advocado team to get access to the best call tracking software on the market. Plus, click here to learn more about how we can provide omni channel marketing solutions on a larger scale.


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